Health Protocols

Wearing masks in the
center will be required for
all staff and companions
All children and adults
must have a temperature
of 37,3 or below
Hand sanitizer will be
given to each person
that enters the center
No shoes allow
inside center
All children and staff will wash their hands before and after each session
There will be only one companion or
child allowed on center and they
will require prior registration
Physical distancing requirements
followed while exiting center for
Hand sanitizer is provided
at all entry points and in
every classroom


Classrooms are cleaned with
SANTIFACT high level disinfectant
every day and before the start of
each session
Center will be disinfected with KLENCO,
a product that kills viruses and bacteria,
is non-toxic and alcohol free, achieving
high level environmental sanitation
Each child will have their own
therapy equipments box. All the equipments will be sanitized & clean
before and after each use
All doors, faucets, and bathrooms
are cleaned throughout the day
Extra cleaning will be focused
on high traffic areas